


Coaching for individuals and couples


One-to-one coaching

Coaching is a powerful relationship for those who want to make important changes in their lives – a coach will help clarify life goals and provide the tools for action. Core values are established, and limiting beliefs or unhelpful conditionings are released to maintain a forward momentum towards a happier and more fulfilled life.

Couples coaching

As individuals, we all have our own set of values, beliefs, conditioning and perspectives on life; ensuring that each is heard is the first step towards balanced communication as a couple. A life coach acts as an independent witness, offering an objective perspective and providing couples with the practical tools they need for effective communication on everything from long-term planning to day-to-day decision making.

stress and depression

Stress is a natural human response; the right amount acts as a powerful motivator, propelling us forward into bigger and better things. But it’s important we understand our own personal limits. Some experience stress when overwhelmed, others fear inaction and boredom. Coaching helps us establish our own ‘stress threshold’, looking at tools to manage stressors and to recognise when change needs to happen.